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Julia Carrillo's series Diaphanous uses mathematical notions to construct geometrical bodies whose solidity or transparency as seen from different planes is made evident through the use of color. These images give the impression of known, concrete, stable figures; but only in appearance: when contemplated carefully one can observe the way the figures mutate as a result of the optical interplay that the projections from different planes generate. 


These paintings operate as optical devices; intersecting surfaces fluctuate across them. They change their spatiality without alterations in localization, until a third space that seduces our attention appears: the intersection. That is the place where the form finds itself as the composition of more than one space and not exactly any of them. This is the common, the shared, the translucent. The intersections are presented to us as spaces that at the same time come to being and disappear, places where ideal and concrete forms dialogue. 


From the unfinished condition of the figures emerge spaces that seem to invite observers to project, with imagination, possible completions of the figures, giving rise to the interaction that makes observers part of this translucent and dynamical space. Each piece unfolds myriad spatial readings within the same figure. The planes change perspectives through alterations in color, a surface may be in one dimension or another conserving its form, transposing planes via flexible and passable transparencies. Complex systems that activate through the encounter with another complex system, perception,  using the sight to generate diverse interpretations.  

Mónica Salinero

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